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中美网美国留学  www.usaer.net  2013-03-14    编辑: zjw

编者按:这家举步维艰的互联网巨头聘请了谷歌(Google)第20号员工梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)担任新首席执行长。梅耶尔是谷歌首位女工程师,1999年开始效力谷歌,过去两年负责谷歌消费者业务部门的工作..

这家举步维艰的互联网巨头聘请了谷歌(Google)第20号员工梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)担任新首席执行长。梅耶尔是谷歌首位女工程师,1999年开始效力谷歌,过去两年负责谷歌消费者业务部门的工作,包括谷歌地图(Google Maps)和餐厅点评平台Zagat等。


梅耶尔也频繁在媒体露面,常会讲到谷歌的方案举措以及硅谷女性等更广泛的话题。与在雅虎任职不长时间的前CEO汤普森(Scott Thompson)和临时CEO列文森(Ross Levinsohn)相比,梅耶尔是个不一样的形象。汤普森辞职后,列文森一直担任雅虎临时CEO,但雅虎在宣布梅耶尔的任命消息时甚至都没有提到列文森。

Marissa Ann Mayer (born on May 30, 1975) is an American business executive and the president and CEO of Yahoo!. Previously, she was a long-time executive and key spokesperson for Google. Mayer joined Google in 1999 as employee number 20 and was the company's first female engineer. During her 13 years with the company, she was an engineer, designer, product manager, and executive. Mayer held key roles in Google Search, Google Images, Google Books, Google Product Search, Google Toolbar, iGoogle, Google News and Gmail. She also oversaw the layout of Google's famous, unadorned search homepage. In her final years with Google, she was Vice President of Local, Maps, and Location Services and, before that, Vice President of Search Products and User Experience.The video of Mayer's 2011 interview of Lady Gaga as part of the Musicians@Google series has received almost two million views on YouTube. Prior to joining Google, Mayer worked at the UBS research lab (Ubilab) in Zurich, Switzerland, and SRI International in Menlo Park, California. Mayer was named to Fortune magazine's annual list of America's 50 Most Powerful Women in Business in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. She was ranked 50, 44, 42 and 38, respectively. In 2008, at age 33, she was the youngest woman ever listed. Mayer was named one of Glamour Magazine's Women of the Year in 2009. On July 16, 2012, Mayer was appointed President and CEO of Yahoo!, effective the following day. She is also a member of the company's board of directors.






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