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中美网美国留学  www.usaer.net  2012-12-09  来源: sohu  编辑: joe

编者按:current advanced technology make mobile phone or computer available, when these stuffs come out, do you prefer to buy them immediately or wait for a while? giveyour reason


1. describe 2 schools that you have been to and describe the differences between them!

2. current advanced technology make mobile phone or computer available, when these stuffs come out, do you prefer to buy them immediately or wait for a while? giveyour reason

3. The univ is offering lockers for 4th years students in the library at the bookshelf, so they don't have to carry the books around.

against: a. unfair, student from other grade also need lockers

b. bad location, if it is set up by the bookshelf, no body is going to check out the book at front desk.

4. egocentric thinking: children always assume that other people have the same view as they did, even they are at different locations:speaker: an experiment was done. A boy was brought into a room, standing in front of a toy house with a red door. Then the researcher walk to the back of the toy houseand ask the child what do you think i see here. The boy said a red door.

5. the male student need to pick up his friends from air port but he also wants to attend seminar which is scheduled at the same time.

Wsolution 1: tell his friend wait for 1 hour

Isolution 2: don't go to the seminar

6. how red wood trees defense against insects and strong wind.

for insect: the tree secret a chemical that taste bitter.

for wind: the tree has strong root network


a1: cave painting of animals is in the purpose of ensuring successful hunting

a: large animals are painted, some are wounded.

Aagainst: not like that2 R; w3 ?4 N' c) f

b: human wearing animal head trying to disguise themselve was painted zagainst: not like that!

c: magic power, turn the painting into reality

Kagains: not like that

independent writing:

the most important investment of a company is to improve the work skills of its employees,do you agree?




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