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中美网美国留学  www.usaer.net  2012-12-27  来源: sohu  编辑: joe

编者按:其实申请美国学生签证,F1签证在面试的时候,签证官经常问的问题也就那么几个。如何轻松应对签证官的质问呢?莫过于先把这些问题实现演习几遍,熟能生巧,当你心中有数的时候就不会到时候因为紧张而说不清楚话了。所以建议大家事前考虑针对自身状况,签证官可能问到哪些问题,该如何回答, 不打无准备之战,面试时间往往很短,只有两三分钟时间。




1. 简单个人历史

24) What's your name?

43) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?

46) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?

62) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?

63) What's your favorite food?

67) How old are you?

73) How long have you been in Shanghai?

75) What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?

82) Where is your HUKOU(户口)?

87) Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?

89) Where do you live? Where will you live?

104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?

105) what kind of computer do you have?

106) what is your favorite color?

2. 复杂个人问题

42) What do you think of the *** (a question VO is interested to know concerning your major) in China?

59) What is your favorite pet? Why?

60) What's your best/worst quality.

74) Why did you live in Shanghai?

81) Who do you think is the best president of the US?

84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?

3. 亲属问题

23) Do you want your wife to go with you?

34) Do you have any relatives in the United States?

35) What do your parents do?

68) Have you any relatives in US?

72) Do you have sisters or brothers?

80) What is your favorite American movie?

83) Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?


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